Despite what you’ve been told there is no such thing as Mr Right. In fact, there is no such thing as Mr Wrong. Energetically speaking, you always attract your perfect match; because you can never attract more than how you feel about yourself. Sadly, many women aren’t happy with what they’re attracting!
As a Dating Coach, I work on the principles of the law of attraction that states that ‘like energy attracts like energy’.
I, therefore, work with women to change their energy so that they become the perfect match to the type of man they want to attract. I do this by walking them through my unique proven 5 step formula, called The ‘V.I.B.E.S’ Blueprint. Vibes is an acronym for Vision, Intention, Belief and Expectation, as these are the attributes that require change.
Offering expert services and public speaking in the following areas:
- Law of attraction
- Spirituality
- Toxic Relationships
- Law of Sexual Polarity
- Dating for over 40’s
- Abusive Relationships
- Self- worth/Self-esteem
- Christian Dating
- Narcissistic Relationships
- Feminine Energy
- Red Flags
- Positive Mind-set
Having worked as the only female, managing 120 men for over 10 years; Valerie gained deep insights into the inner workings of a man’s mind. It was there she began to understand the power of her feminine vibe to compel her ‘men’ to go that extra mile that her male counterparts couldn’t do.
Valerie states that when you lead with the feminine it appeals to the masculine; it is then that you will magnetise quality responses from men. Her drive is to share all of the knowledge that she accumulated over those ten years and more, and shortcut the process for single, smart and successful women, via her unique V.I.B.E formula, so that they don’t waste any more energy, time and lipstick!