You See Persons And Things Not as They Are But As You Are
There is no difference…
In 2019 I visited Thailand. As I walked along the curve of the beach I paused; and as I stood there, with eyes closed and toes pressed softly against the sand, I deliberated whether to continue my journey or retrace my steps. In the stillness of my poise … a thought came to me … Am I at the beginning or the end of the beach?
In the closing of my eyes I had released my perspective – my understanding of my orientation. I dropped all meaning… and it was in that precise moment that I realised that I was at the beginning and the end of the beach.
I realised that not only was I at the beginning and the end of the beach, I was neither at the beginning nor at the end of the beach unless I chose to see it that way.
An epiphany, an ‘aha’ moment, whatever you’d like to call it; I understood why God’s word states that He is The Alpha and The Omega. He is ‘all-inclusive’. He is One. He is not the beginning or the end. He is both. There is no difference.
“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” Revelation 1:8
As human beings our physicality limits us; unlike God we are not ubiquitous – the ability to be everywhere at the same time; we are unique; therefore we cannot see and be ALL that God Is.
In the same vein…when you release your perspective, your understanding, your ‘meaning’ of any given thing or situation, what is left is truth – Oneness.
You see…
- IT is neither up nor is it down, unless you choose to see it that way. Without your meaning it is both up and down. There is no difference. (Read the insight of the Tree)
- IT is neither left nor is it right, unless you choose to see it that way. Without your meaning it is both left and right. There is no difference.
- IT is neither evil nor is it good, unless you choose to see it that way. Without your meaning it is both evil and good. There is no difference.
- IT is neither cause nor is it effect, unless you choose to see it that way. Without your meaning it is both cause and effect. There is no difference.
- IT is neither formed nor is it formless, unless you choose to see it that way. Without your meaning it is both formed and formless. There is no difference.
- IT is neither right nor is it wrong, unless you choose to see it that way. Without your meaning it is both right and wrong. There is no difference.
- IT is neither yes nor is it no, unless you choose to see it that way. Without your meaning it is both yes and no. There is no difference.
- IT is neither given nor is it received, unless you choose to see it that way. Without your meaning it is both received and given. There is no difference.
So within that context God showed me that HE is one and what is ONE, cannot be divided within itself, there are no opposites…unless you choose to see it that way. Just because you have chosen to not see your Oneness doesn’t mean it isn’t so.
You see persons and things not as they are, but as who you are.
Want to know more?
To know more, purchase The Difference.