Enhanced Relationship Expert
‘Love Your Neighbour, As You Love Yourself’
Matthew 22:39
Matthew 22:39
There is an answer that we’ve all been searching for and the question keeps knocking at our doors…
The Difference tells the reflective story of a young Valerie who receives a puzzling message – a question that she struggles to understand.
It’s the questions that drive us. It’s a question that brought you here.
You know the question – just as she did. ‘What is the difference…? Enigmatic to her in nature, she spent years wanting the answer… The answer was out there, it had been looking for her. It’s been looking for you… Now it’s found you…
Many years ago, when I was a mere slip of a lass, a shy thing, really. I received a divine message – ‘there is no difference between right and wrong’. At the time of receiving it, it made no sense whatsoever! yet, I knew it to be a profound truth. Over time, Spirit would reveal to me that although we have perspective, Divine Intelligence IS over all perspectives, therefore we shouldn’t rely on what we perceive with our 5 senses. EVERYTHING that we attract is based on our perspective. What you perceive as Mr Wrong for you is in fact Mr Right for someone else. The only difference is your view point, your perspective! This course delves deep, drawing from the dark, that which is calling in your negative relational experiences. Change your perspective and what you look at changes. It’s all you!
‘When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change’ Wayne Dyer
‘you can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it’ Einstein.
It’s necessary to talk to someone who was where you are, in private! To receive high level help to cut down your learning curve and stop wasting your most valuable commodity; time! take the time now to book a COMPLIMENTARY consultation.
If you would like to have your vibe checked as to why you’re attracting what you’re attracting AND have a solution provided then book in a call with me for your ‘Vibes Check Consultation to get you on your chosen path today.
I love the way Valerie has turned the focus from looking outside to looking within…. she teaches that no amount of lipstick will draw those guys to you if your vibes are signalling them to stay away.
Harjeet Virdee, BA Msc International Business, Spain
I love this quote by Valerie ‘you will never ever catch a ball, until you’re ready to catch it’. That thought stuck with me…I’ve realised that despite what I was telling myself…I wasn’t ready after all, or else my ideal guy would be here. I’m getting ready.
Johanne Ranthe, Herbal Life Wellness Coach, London
At Valerie’s workshop I realised that not only does the law of attraction play a massive part in who we attract into our life but also that we also need to believe before we can receive. Valerie has a unique way of teaching and she draws you in like a magnet so you just want to know more
Sonia Poleon, Radio Presenter at Colourful Radio, South London
When I was a little girl, I believed I was a princess until I was taught otherwise. I was told a lie and I believed it.
I believed that I wasn’t beautiful, talented and fabulous and so hid myself under a bushel. I put myself in the dark. I couldn’t see the light. I was...
The Explainer Video
/in Uncategorized /QUEEN I remember it clearly. One day whilst sat on my bed I asked God’s Spirit ‘how do I distinguish myself as a coach from all the other coaches out there?. Spirit reminded me of His revelation some years back’ There is no difference between right and wrong’. I was confused until the penny dropped. […]
There is No Difference and yet … ‘No Two Men See The Same Tree The Same Way’
/in Uncategorized /There is no difference… Over the years I had become sensitive to The Voice and its presence. Along my life’s journey, I had learnt to be still, open and expectant of The Voice that I now simply refer to as ‘Spirit’. It was not uncommon for me to have a conversation with Spirit whilst washing […]
You See Persons And Things Not as They Are But As You Are
/in Blog, Uncategorized /There is no difference… In 2019 I visited Thailand. As I walked along the curve of the beach I paused; and as I stood there, with eyes closed and toes pressed softly against the sand, I deliberated whether to continue my journey or retrace my steps. In the stillness of my poise … a thought came to […]
/in Uncategorized /The Law of Sexual Polarity Visually Explained: Queen… be asleep no longer… This is How You Attract a Quality Masculine Man That Will Adore You A single woman who wants to attract a high masculine energy man so she can melt in his arms has to learn; if she is serious in this endeavour, how to apply the law […]